75311.06 22795.9
-424.90 (-0.56%)
-117.25 (-0.51%)


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  SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/01/2014 Dated 7th January, 2014   Click here
  SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD2/CIR/P/2016/95, Dated 26th September, 2016.   Click here
Fund House Category Scheme
Scheme Profile  
Summary Info
Fund Name : DSP Mutual Fund
Scheme Name : DSP Small Cap Fund (IDCW)
AMC : DSP Mutual Fund
Type : Open
Category : Equity - Diversified
Launch Date : 01-Aug-2010
Fund Manager : Vinit Sambre
Net Assets:(Rs cr) 14995.68
NAV Details
NAV Date : 21-Feb-2025
NAV [Rs]: 49.92
Buy/Resale Price [Rs] : 0.00
Sell/Repurchase Price [Rs] : 0.00
Entry Load % : Nil
Exit Load % : 1.00% - If redeemed/switched out within 12 months from the date of allotment. Nil - If redeemed/switched out after 12 months from the date of allotment.
NAV Chart
Latest Payouts
  Dividends Bonus
Ratio 46 % NA
Date 15-Feb-2024 NA
Investment Details
Tax benefits : NA
Min. Investment(Rs) : 100
Increm.Investment(Rs) : 100
Performance(%) Date : 21-Feb-2025
  1 Week 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Since Inception
Scheme Return 0.57 -18.17 -18.74 -23.38 -6.37 13.50 21.42 16.35
Category Avg 0.30 -5.08 -7.10 -12.00 5.30 15.70 18.38 13.36
Category Best 3.38 -0.12 1.64 3.95 24.79 30.98 39.91 37.90
Category Worst -1.39 -18.17 -18.74 -25.15 -20.62 -1.54 7.48 -24.10
Asset Allocation
Sector Allocation
Holdings 31-Jan-2025
Company Name Sector Market Value No. Of Shares Hold
    Rs Cr.   %
Jubilant Ingrev. Chemicals 553.08 7937996 3.69
eClerx Services IT - Software 489.30 1600000 3.26
Welspun Corp Steel 482.30 6500000 3.22
Dodla Dairy FMCG 425.55 3750000 2.84
Cyient IT - Software 424.13 2916084 2.83
Safari Inds. Plastic products 392.73 1629601 2.62
Suprajit Engg. Auto Ancillaries 376.67 9260495 2.51
L T Foods FMCG 374.02 9587705 2.49
Triven.Engg.Ind. Sugar 352.54 9200000 2.35
Lumax Auto Tech. Auto Ancillaries 334.01 6150000 2.23
Ipca Labs. Pharmaceuticals 325.45 2254904 2.17
Dhanuka Agritech Agro Chemicals 273.87 1897135 1.83
Swaraj Engines Capital Goods-Non Electrical Equipment 273.10 800909 1.82
Techno Elec.Engg Infrastructure Developers & Operators 269.44 2500000 1.80
Kirloskar Oil Capital Goods-Non Electrical Equipment 252.97 2800000 1.69
Thangamayil Jew. Diamond, Gems and Jewellery 248.18 1361027 1.65
IFB Industries Consumer Durables 242.33 1750000 1.62
Atul Chemicals 238.98 380193 1.59
Vardhman Textile Textiles 228.38 5000000 1.52
Narayana Hrudaya Healthcare 221.94 1600000 1.48
Archean Chemical Chemicals 219.60 3750000 1.46
Volt.Transform. Capital Goods - Electrical Equipment 217.31 260000 1.45
Ratnamani Metals Steel 214.40 750000 1.43
Aarti Drugs Pharmaceuticals 212.85 5250322 1.42
Sansera Enginee. Auto Ancillaries 209.96 1663218 1.40
Navin Fluo.Intl. Chemicals 207.44 500000 1.38
Nilkamal Ltd Plastic products 202.60 1178358 1.35
21st Cent. Prin. Packaging 200.31 650000 1.34
Prudent Corp. Stock/ Commodity Brokers 200.76 988000 1.34
Greenlam Industr Plywood Boards/Laminates 198.94 3600000 1.33
Westlife Food Quick Service Restaurant 197.91 2726563 1.32
GHCL Chemicals 190.07 2600000 1.27
Rainbow Child. Healthcare 190.34 1336915 1.27
Paradeep Phosph. Fertilizers 180.50 16000000 1.20
S P Apparels Textiles 179.16 2176332 1.19
La Opala RG Glass & Glass Products 178.28 6577549 1.19
Shriram Pistons Auto Ancillaries 174.67 860000 1.16
Prince Pipes Plastic products 171.16 4618486 1.14
Shoppers Stop Retail 167.35 2919497 1.12
Campus Activewe. Leather 166.35 6100000 1.11
Kalyani Steels Steel 165.29 1848243 1.10
Manappuram Fin. Finance 154.08 7859923 1.03
Rolex Rings Castings, Forgings & Fastners 153.17 851772 1.02
Amber Enterp. Consumer Durables 149.54 230000 1.00
Borosil Glass & Glass Products 139.61 3600000 0.93
Just Dial E-Commerce/App based Aggregator 137.59 1543718 0.92
Alembic Pharma Pharmaceuticals 129.66 1409091 0.86
R R Kabel Cables 128.73 1050000 0.86
Sheela Foam Consumer Durables 119.01 1300000 0.79
Sharda Cropchem Agro Chemicals 117.29 2000000 0.78
Mold-Tek Pack. Packaging 115.89 2100000 0.77
Sandhar Tech Auto Ancillaries 111.30 2523344 0.74
KNR Construct. Infrastructure Developers & Operators 104.71 3528640 0.70
Harsha Engg Intl Auto Ancillaries 104.05 2500000 0.69
Apar Inds. Capital Goods - Electrical Equipment 103.03 137523 0.69
Amrutanjan Healt Pharmaceuticals 97.70 1466269 0.65
Engineers India Infrastructure Developers & Operators 96.32 5630873 0.64
Equitas Sma. Fin Banks 91.18 13711254 0.61
West Coast Paper Paper 88.66 1672835 0.59
Stylam Industrie Plywood Boards/Laminates 85.30 436235 0.57
ERIS Lifescience Pharmaceuticals 84.74 690000 0.57
R Systems Intl. IT - Software 83.08 1956975 0.55
Century Plyboard Plywood Boards/Laminates 80.47 1000000 0.54
JNK Capital Goods-Non Electrical Equipment 80.81 1494918 0.54
HLE Glascoat Capital Goods-Non Electrical Equipment 76.60 2401016 0.51
Anand Rathi Wea. Finance 74.20 202608 0.49
Happy Forgings Castings, Forgings & Fastners 70.78 667213 0.47
Carysil Consumer Durables 69.11 1000000 0.46
Sudarshan Chem. Chemicals 63.96 640000 0.43
Kalpataru Proj. Infrastructure Developers & Operators 63.52 600000 0.42
PNB Housing Finance 61.47 700000 0.41
Kajaria Ceramics Ceramic Products 60.80 613274 0.41
Graphite India Capital Goods-Non Electrical Equipment 53.35 1120944 0.36
GHCL Textiles Textiles 38.42 4100000 0.26
Max Financial Finance 36.63 328273 0.24
IRM Energy Gas Distribution 25.44 807846 0.17
Power Mech Proj. Infrastructure Developers & Operators 19.39 90000 0.13
TREPS Debt Others 920.37 0 6.14
Net CA & Others Debt Others -18.46 0 -0.12
Statistical Ratios
What is Beta ?
Beta is a measure of the volatility of the portfolio to that of the index. In simple words it shows the movement of the portfolio in comparison. The Higher the Beta, higher the volatility of the scheme to the index. If its greater than1 , then the portfolio is highly volatile to the movemnts in the index. If the beta is lesser than 1 , then scheme is less volatile to the index and beta which is close to 1 implies that the scheme is closely following the index.
Beta [%]* SD [%]* Sharpe Ratio [%]* Jensons Alpha [%]* ER [%]*
0.8882 5.0712 0.6033 0.1262 0.0375
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