Profit before tax (PBT) increased 66.55% to Rs 68.9 crore in Q2 FY25 as compared with Rs 41.4 crore in Q2 FY24. EBITDA stood at Rs 76.6 core in Q2 FY25, registering the growth of 23.5% as compared with Rs 62 crore in Q2 FY24. EBITDA margin was 19.2% in Q2 FY25 as against 19.5% in Q2 FY24. Ankit Thakker ED & CEO, Jupiter Life Line Hospitals, said, 'We are pleased to report a 20.5% increase in total income, reaching Rs 612.8 crore in H1FY25, up from Rs 508.4 crore in H1FY24. EBITDA rose by 22.3% to Rs 141.9 crore, compared to Rs 116.1 crore in H1FY24, while PAT grew by 9.6% to Rs 96.1 crore in H1FY25, up from Rs 87.7 crore in H1FY24. This growth has been driven by strong operational performance across all three hospitals, reflected in higher occupancy rates and increased ARPOB. In Q2FY25, we added 22 beds at our Pune hospital and are in the process of adding 75 new beds at our Indore hospital, which is expected to be operational by Q4FY25. We are focused on expanding the Jupiter brand, enhancing management professionalism, and increasing our footprint. With this regards, the construction of our Dombivli hospital is progressing on schedule. For our Pune hospitals, we are in the advanced stages of obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals. With the addition of these two new facilities, our total bed capacity will increase to around 2,200 beds, and we are currently identifying another location to raise our total capacity to approximately 2,500 beds.' Jupiter Life Line Hospitals is a multi-specialty tertiary and quaternary healthcare provider in the Mumbai Metropolitan Area (MMR) and western region of India. Powered by Capital Market - Live News |