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  SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DP/01/2014 Dated 7th January, 2014   Click here
  SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD2/CIR/P/2016/95, Dated 26th September, 2016.   Click here
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Balrampur Chini declines as Q3 PAT slides 23% YoY to Rs 70 crore
(07 Feb 2025, 16:55)
Profit before tax for the quarter was at Rs 89.02 crore, down 27.77% from Rs 123.24 crore posted in Q3 FY24.

EBITDA stood at Rs 123.78 crore, registering a growth of 9.2% on YoY basis.

The company's revenue from sugar business stood at Rs 1,269.86 crore (up 9.38% YoY), while income from distillery came in at Rs 211.42 crore (down 15.59% YoY) during the period under review.

Further, Balrampur Chini Mills' board has approved an increase in the capacity of its Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) project from 75,000 tonnes per annum (TPA) to 80,000 TPA. As a result, the capital expenditure for the project has been revised from Rs 2,000 crore, initially estimated during the conceptual planning phase, to Rs 2,850 crore (gross).

After accounting for an expected capital subsidy of Rs 1,100 crore under the Uttar Pradesh government scheme, the net capital expenditure for the project will be Rs 1,750 crore.

Balrampur Chini Mills is one of the largest integrated sugar companies in India. The allied businesses of the company comprise distillery operations and cogeneration of power.

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